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Masturbation Stories

Another Paperboy Story

Garden Meadows was one of the oldest condo complexes in town. And this was a town with a lot of condos, it seemed. What set it apart from the others was that it was set up with each unit having it's own entrance, like townhouses. They were somewhat nestled into a heavily wooded area which was part of a state park, so it was nice that my family didn't ever have to worry about houses or businesses being built right on top of us.

We moved in when I was still in kindergarten. Little did either my parents or I know that we would live there for another 20 years. We got to be one of the longest-term families in the complex, and were well-known and well-liked by our neighbors. Other families came and went, but it always seemed that the Joneses were always there.

When I was about 12, I took on the local paper route, which included Garden Meadows, as well as some surrounding neighborhoods. Just like a typical New England town, there were lots of hills, and I got tired of it pretty quick. Other kids took on the route after me, some kept it up for a while, others not.

My freshman year in high school there seemed to be an influx of young families, and there were always little kids aged from about 4 to 10 running around. After a while, I got to know what kids lived where, and what most of their names were. There was this one kid named Jeffrey. I didn't see his family move in, but I knew he lived on the opposite side of the complex. He was about 8 when I first noticed him, he seemed to be a little bit of a troublemaker. He was kind of an odd-looking kid too, extremely pale, blonde hair so blonde it was almost white. At first glance, I thought he might even be albino, but he wasn't. He had sharp, almost delicate looking features, which were in stark contrast to his hellion behavior.

Jeff had a hard time keeping friends, it seemed. Not because they didn't like him, but because he was always getting the other kids in trouble, and their parents wouldn't let their kids hang out with him.

Anyway, I never really gave much thought to Jeff for the following few years. I would see him in the neighborhood from time to time, he got to know who I was and used to say "Hi Pete" when he saw me, but that was about it.

I decided to keep living at home when I started college. I had a good relationship with my parents, and school was close enough that I could just commute. During my second year, I was talking with one of my neighbors who had mentioned that young Jeffrey had recently been arrested for breaking into someone's house, but that the police and the judge laid most of the responsibility for it on his accomplice, a much older boy. What it meant though, was that his parents were going to have to make sure Jeff got into no more trouble, and accepted more responsibility, or he would be thrown in Juvy.

That fall, Jeff took over the paper route that I once had. One morning, quite early, I went out for my morning run and literally ran into Jeff as he rounded the corner of the building. This was the first time I really had seen him close up since he was a much younger kid. He had grown into quite an attractive young 13-year-old. He still had the white-blonde hair, but had let himself get more sun during the summer, and was nicely tanned. He was not muscular, but long and lean, and pretty tall for a kid his age. When I told him I was so sorry, he gave be the cutest smile. He sure did have a great smile.

"I wasn't looking where I was going Jeff, I'm really sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yea, you ran into my bag, so it didn't hurt," he said, referring to the canvas bag slung over his shoulder that held the morning papers.

"Oh, you have the route now? You know, this used to be my route, way back in the day!"

"Really? Cool. I know it used to be Mike Abbott's a long time ago." Mike Abbott was a local football hero who also used to live in the neighborhood.

"Yea, I took it over a while after him. You can make a lot of money at Christmastime if you coordinate your collection times right."

"Cool." He said. He stood silently, as if waiting for me to tell him he could go.

"Okay, well, I'll let you get back to your route. Seya later!"

"Bye Pete," he said, then went along his way.

For the remainder of my run I thought about Jeff, and how in a few years he would probably grow up to be a really good-looking guy. When he's 18, I thought, maybe I'll ask him out!

Weeks turned into months, and with my concentrating on my studies, I hardly noticed when spring came. It was a beautiful spring that year, mild and breezy. The mornings were still cool enough that I didn't sweat too much on my morning runs, but not so much that I had to wear my tracksuit.

One particularly warm morning when I returned from my run, I noticed Jeff going into the woods right behind my house, carrying his newspaper bag, as well as a small brown bag under his arm. I wondered what he was doing going up there so early in the morning. I went up to my bathroom, that had a window that overlooked the woods. I could clearly see Jeff is a spot where he probably thought nobody could see him. He laid his canvas bag down on the ground, and sat on top of it. Pulling off his shirt, he stretched and sighed. He was smooth and had small, dime-sized nipples. He had a bit of what we New Englanders call a farmer's tan, with his arms pretty dark, but the skin under his shirt still pretty white. I always had a thing for twink-type guys, but had never looked at a kid this young and been sexually excited. Looking over this boy though, my feelings began to change.

I watched as he unrolled the paper bag, and pulled out what could only have been a porno mag of some sort. I couldn't tell if it was gay or straight or what, or even what the name of the mag was, but I could tell from the flesh tones and other bright colors that it was definitely porn. He leaned over it slightly, and began to slowly leaf through the pages. As he did, he carefully and lightly began to stroke his cock through the denim shorts he was wearing. I knew he had brothers and sisters, so I figured that this was probably the only time he had any privacy to look a such things.

The longer he looked, the more he got into playing with himself. Soon enough he reached into his shorts and lightly started wanking his dick. I was getting really turned on watching him. Something about the fact that he had no idea anyone could see, and that he was just doing what he wanted to do because he wanted to do it right then, completely unaware that I was looking. It really made me hard. I dropped my shorts and began to jerk off watching him.

Finally, he unzipped his shorts and let his cock out. I found it hard to believe that this kid was bold enough to do this outside, but there he was! He had a beautiful cock... perfectly straight, about 5 inches and cut, thinner at the top and wider at the bottom. It was almost pointy. I loved cocks shaped like that, and wondered if anyone else had ever admired it as I was doing now. It was surrounded by a light colored bush of pubes. His balls were large, and tightly snug against his body.

Jeff spit into his hand, and began to lovingly stroke his cock up and down. Little by little, he was paying less attention to the magazine, and more to his own dick. He seemed to really admire it. Maybe he was aware of just how nice it was. He laid down flat on his back, and from the angle I was watching on the second story, this gave me an awesome view of the boy's whole body.

As he jerked, slowly at first, he gently caressed his stomach and chest. Running his hands over himself, I wondered how soft and delicate his skin must have felt. He slid his hand down to fondle his balls. I was getting more and more excited. Gradually his pace quickened, and he rested his other hand on his chest. I could see that he was quickly bringing himself to climax. I began to fist my own dick faster. Jeff lifted up his head, and with a nasty/sexy look oh his face, opened his mouth wide, and shot his first load right into his mouth! What precision! That was all I needed to take me over the edge. I shot my first load all over the bathroom wall, and each shot thereafter was right in time with Jeff's. he didn't even know it, but we were having simultaneous orgasms. He shot load after load all over himself, spreading it over his chest with his free hand. I could hear muffled moans of delight coming from the boy with each squirt.

He slowed down, and eventually stopped jerking his cock. As he began to go soft, he scooped as much cum as he could off himself, and licked it all off his fingers. There's hope for this kid, yet, I thought!

After that he wiped himself off with his canvas bag, pulled his clothes back on, and went on his way.

As I wiped my cum off the bathroom wall, I began to wonder what was in that magazine he was looking at, what was it that drove him over the edge, and what I had to do to see more.

I wasn't sure I was going to be able to wait until he was 18 to ask him out!

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