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Masturbation Stories

Af Flight Suits

I was renting a home from a guy that was an Air Force reservist. He was a payload specialist that did a lot of Arctic and Antarctic flights. He had a beautful collection of ALL of the Air Force cold weather flying gear, that filled half of his walk-in closet.

I cleaned house for him in exchange for rent and board. That was a lot of cleaning! Anyway I found his stuff one day as I was cleaning his room. I spent a lot of time in that closet, cleaning, dusting and trying stuff on! The stuff was way loose on me; that was good for layering.

The first layer I tried was the CWU-9/P quilted undies. He had three pair, different sizes on hangers. I put on the set that fit me best. I loved the quilted nylon feeling; At first I had my undies still on, but I got smart and took them off, then put the quilted pants and shirt back on.

Then I found some dark blue, heavily padded flying pants, I think they were F1Bs, not sure but the zippers went all the way down the legs. I pulled them up and adjusted the suspenders for a snug fit in the crotch. Then came a parka, matching the pants. I zipped it up and buttoned the overflap, and then looked in the mirror. I looked like the Michelin Man! My cock was hard as a pole,being stimulated very nicely by the combo of the smooth, slippery quilted nylon and the thick flight pants. I tried to finish my chores, but just couldn't...I was suffering sensory overload big time!

I decided to play around. I sat down (wow that was an experience in itself! very hot). I fumbled around the flight pants zipper and flap, to get my penis free from the CWU-9/P pants fly. I really had to work to find it, and get it free (I ain't that small either). Then I closed the zipper on the flight pants, so now my cock was stuck between the quilted pants and the flight pants, with the smooth satin lining really turning me on. now and again the zipper would "bite" me a little, giving another little "shot".

I pranced all around the house in that outfit for a good half-hour, until I started to get pretty warm. I was a little sweaty, and the nylon had pretty much come up to body temp.

After a while, I couldn't stand it anymore. I leaned over the arm of the thickly-padded leather couch in the rec room and just gently humped in the flight suit, enjoying all the feelings, when I started to come.. and come.. and COME! My gosh it was the most intense orgasm I had experienced so far in my 20 years! My cock and balls had found a virtual love nest in the nylon quilts and padded satin; the shirt and parka worked me over on top... oh GOD it was heaven! I must have shot for a good two minutes, then a great long "afterglow", just laying there, enjoying the wetness and warmth... like a second fuck.

THE WETNESS! OH GOD.. I had to clean up my mess before Col. Alan got home!

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